dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016


In the life one has many friends, knows a lot of people but really how many of all these people we could call true friends? For me friends are like family that I have chosen.

My group of friends live in Empuriabrava like me. Is a fun place where you can spend many adventures with friends, especially in summer. 4 years ago I met Laura and Nastasia and today although we are united. Friends whatever happens will always be there by your side.
I also met two years ago Facu and Brenda a very nice Argentines, who are part of the group. Siham is also another very good friend, I met she two summers ago when I walked on the beach. Virginie is my neighbor always comes to visit me, my house is like her house. Iman is my bus compi and I love her very much.

With all these people I have lived unforgettable adventures. I traveled with Nastasia at Cannes last year and this summer I'll go two weeks to Bordeos with Laura. Soon Siham will pass driving license and she will buy a van, where we will fit all for our travels. We have a plan of future together and I do not want our friendship never ends.



1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
In the book Verona is a Italian city (1597), and is very old. But in the film Verona Beach is a USA city, and it's very modern(1996).

2. IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...): Represents the purity, innocence, unity of the two bodies who are in love.
FIRE (petrol station, fights...): Represents de evil and the death.
DAY and NIGHT: The day is the time to be separed, to stay alone, and dreaming with the night, because the night represents when the two lovers finally meet again with the dark of the sky. 
MOON: Represents the fake love, because the moon is constantly change, but the love of Romeo and Juliet is forever. This is why Julieta asked him not to swear by the moon. 

3. LANGUAGE: Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?

All the characters speak in prose,the only one who speaks in verse is the TV reporter which it is also the narrator of the film.
When Romeo speak with Juliet or about her he speak in prose because he fell in love.
The narrator of the film is the girl of the news.

4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY: What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?

Juliet wear a costume from an angel, the means the innocence, and the purity
 Romeo wear a costume from a knight, they represents a courtesy
 Paris were a costume from a astronaut, they represent who he is in the moon.

5. ELEMENTS: To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun.
Every sword or dagger in the book is like a gun in the film, but gun's names are "sword" or "dagger". There is no nobility, so the prince of the city has been changed for the policeman and the noble families have been changed for rich families. The horses have been changed by cars. The place of the dead of Romeo and juliet has been changed for the church, because now the people has to be buried or burned.

6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version.
One difference from the film is Juliet's die. In the film she shot herself and in the book Juliet stabbed a dagger. In the film the potion is drunk and Romeo buys it in the house of a drogadict. Another difference in the film is version Romeo smoking. The stages are very differents. In the film Mercutio is nigga and in the classic history he isn’t nigga. In the film version the nurse is so cheeky but in the classical version she is so sweet.


This May has been a year since I took my cat. I remember when my friend brought me a small white kitten, it was beautiful and amazing but it looked like a toy, it was very fragile. Now is a big white cat and very loving. His name is Kitty. She has blue eyes and a pink nose. The first day she was at home she was very scared but as she was very cute and lovely I took care of her like my baby. Always when I take her, she kisses me all the time, she is adorable. I hope she will remain with me for a long time because I love she.
I also have another cat. Her name is Bixu. He has green eyes and  black-grey hair. He is with us about five or six years ago. A car knock down my cat 2 weeks ago. But we brought him at vet and had been operated the jaw. Always he is playing in the garden, climbing the trees, fighting with other cats, chasing insects, etc. But which highlights really of he is his intelligence.
The 24th of June Bixu returns to the vet for operate another time, I hope that everything goes well.

In summary, I really love my two cats because they are unique.
Also I needed they because always when I'm alone they are with me.

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2016


Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice.

The summer is coming and I am prepared for have fun and enjoy all day. I miss the heat and sleep more than 8 hours every day. Without worries and without work is how better lives. Freedom comes and I don't want that ends.

I need go to the beach and swim in the pool. In these times everything is maximum happiness. At summer I'm off of the world. This year in August I will go in Bordeos, in France, with my friend Laura. We'll go in father's Laura house two weeks and then I will go in Valencia too for four days. I can't say much more of summer because everything it will happen these holidays that I will enjoy.
When I return from holidays I will study a lot for higher studies but it will be worth. As next year I will study in Figueres I will miss my classmates and my teachers but it will start a new life for me.

divendres, 13 de maig del 2016


The Lucky One is a 2012 romantic drama film directed by Scott Hicks and released April 2012. It is an adaptation of 2008 novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. 

Plot: Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) is a U.S. Marine serving in Iraq.  He finds a picture of a young woman on the ground just before a mortar attack destroys where he had been sitting, killing many around him. 
Logan's squad-mate declares the woman in the picture Logan's "guardian angel" just before the explosion. 
He returns to Colorado and departs to search for the woman in the photo. Logan and Zeus, he's dog,  walk to Louisiana, where a lighthouse in the picture has provided a clue. Logan finds the woman, Beth Green , but has difficulty explaining why he is there. Her grandmother, Ellie, hires him. Logan develops a supportive relationship with Beth's son, Ben.

Beth's former husband, Sheriff Deputy Keith Clayton is immediately suspicious of Logan. On the anniversary of Drake's death, the brother of Beth, she becomes distraught and Logan comforts her. Keith learns that Logan was asking about her when he first arrived in town and steals the photo and her trust destroyed. Keith walks out into a gathering storm, leaving his badge behind, and goes to Beth to plead for a reconciliation but she says no.  Ben overhears this and runs out into the storm.
Ben is en route to the tree house, but the rope bridge gives way and he falls into the river along with his father. Before Logan can return for Keith, the tree house falls and Keith disappears.
Back home, Beth thanks Logan for saving her son. Logan explains that Drake died saving one of his own men.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKqaiQZdv3c

I really like this film because from the first moment I hooked. The story it's very exciting and entertaining but it is also a dramatic film. I also love Zac Efron and for this reason I still like more the film.

dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2016


Uncover- Zara Larsson                                          Translation - Descobrir
Nobody sees, nobody knows,                               Ningú ho veu, ningú ho sap,                                         We are a secret can't be exposed.                             Som un secret que no pot ser exposat.
That's how it is, that's how it goes,                          Això és com és, això és el que passa,
Far from the others, close to each other.                   Lluny dels altres, a prop uns dels altres.

In the daylight, in the daylight,                                   A la llum del dia, a la llum del dia,
When the sun is shining,                                           quan el sol està brillant,
On the late night, on the late night,                             A la tarda nit, a la tarda nit,
When the moon is blinding.                                       quan la lluna esta encegant.
In the plain sight, plain sight,                                     En la visió nítida, en la visió nítida,
Like stars in hiding,                                                  com estrelles en la clandestinitat,
You and I burn on, on.                                             Tu i jo cremant , cremant.

Put two and together, forever we'll never change       Suma dos i junts, per sempre no canviarem mai
Two and together we'll never change                        Dos i junts no canviarem mai.

Nobody sees, nobody knows                                   Ningú ho veu, ningú ho sap,                                     We are a secret, can't be exposed                             Som un secret que no pot ser exposat.
That's how it is, that's how it goes                            Això és com és, això és el que passa,
Far from the others, close to each other                    Lluny dels altres, a prop uns dels altres.
That's when we uncover, cover, cover                     Va ser llavors quan vam descobrir, cobrir,cobrir
That's when we uncover, cover, cover                     Va ser llavors quan vam descobrir, cobrir,cobrir

My asylum, my asylum is in your arms                       El meu asil, el meu asil està en els seus braços
When the world gives heavy burdens                          Quan el món dona càrregues pesades
I can bear a thousand tons                                         Jo puc aguantar mil tones
On your shoulder, on your shoulder                            A la teva espatlla, a la teva espatlla
I can reach an endless sky                                         Puc arribar a un cel infinit
Feels like paradise                                                     Se sent com el paradís.

Put two and together, forever we'll never change        Suma dos i junts, per sempre no canviarem mai
Two and together we'll never change.                        Dos i junts no canviarem mai.

- Chorus 

We could build a universe right here,                         Podriem construir un univers aquí, 
All the world could disappear,                                   Tot el món desapareixeria,
Wouldn't notice, wouldn't care                                    No s'adonés, no li importaria
We could build a universe right here                          Podriem construir un univers aquí,
The world could disappear,                                          Tot el món desapareixeria,
I just need you near                                                    Només et necessito a prop.



This song is about a secret love that nobody knows. Talks about two persons together and in love, and how difficult it can be sometimes. Also the song speaks of what you can do for the person that you love.  I really like this song because is simple and a very nice lyrics.

dimarts, 19 d’abril del 2016


#shakespeare400- Shakespeare400 is a consortium of leading cultural, creative and educational organisations, which will mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death in 2016.  Through a connected series of public performances, programmes, exhibitions and creative activities in the capital and beyond, partners will celebrate the legacy of Shakespeare during the quatercentenary year.

#stratford-upon-avon- Is a municipality located in Warwickshire, England. It's main tourist attraction is all about the home of William Shakespeare and their properties. William Shakespeare was born in this house and lived here until he was old enough to marry and spend the first five years of family life here with his new wife, Anne Hathaway. Shakespeare's Birthplace is a fascinating house that offers a tantalising glimpse into Shakespeare's early world.

#annehathaway- Anne Hathaway was the wife of William Shakespeare.  They were married in 1582, when he was 18 and she was 26 years old.  Very little is known about her beyond a few references in legal documents, but her personality and relationship to Shakespeare have been the subject of much speculation by historians and creative writers.

#theglobe- The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. It was built in 1599 and was destroyed by fire on 29th June 1613.  From 1909, the current Gielgud Theatre was called "Globe Theatre", until it was renamed in 1994. The name of the Globe supposedly alludes to the Latin tag totus mundus agit histrionem.

#plays- The plays written by English poet, playwright, and actor William Shakespeare have the reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literature.  
Some of the most important plays are Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Othello and Julius Caesar.

#plague- There were several years during Shakespeare's time in London in which the plague was severe enough to close the theatres: 1582, 1592 (15,000 deaths), 1603, and 1607. The Elizabethans had no idea that the plague was spread by fleas that had lived on rats; though there were many "cures" for the plague, the only real defense--for those who could afford it--was to leave the crowded, rat-infested cities for the country.

#1595- A busy year for Shakespeare as he is thought to have composed Richard II performed that very same year, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, thought to be composed for a wedding and the greatest love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. Fire in Stratford in September. Shakespeare is living in St. Helen's parish, Bishopsgate.

#queenelizabeth-  She was Queen of England for 45 years.
 Shakespeare's royal patrons were Queen Elizabeth and King James I, both of whom greatly loved the drama.  Shakespeare was ardently attracted to Elizabeth and her Court, and proved a faithful servant to his royal mistress.

#thearmada- The defeat of the Spanish Armada remains the most glorious event remembered of Elizabeth's reign I that William Shakespeare, the world’s greatest playwright and writer, livedShakespeare’s works remain to the present day the most widely read and studied literature in the world.

#shakespearequotes- Some quotes of Shakespeare are:


I really liked Italy , people there are friendly and nice although they don't drive very well. On the 29th of March the students of 4ESO went to the airport in Barcelona. There I had a problem with the plane ticket but finally I can get on the plane. 

We stayed one week in Italy. The first day we went to Pisa and we visited the Tower of Pisa. We went to lunch in Mc Donald's and then we went in Lucca, a little town. After that we went to Montecatini and we stayed in the hotel. My friends and I have the best room in the hotel, there was a terrace and a shower massage, there was fantastic.

On Wednesday  we went to Florencia by bus. We stayed all the day there and we visited the Brunelleschi dome, it was amazing! In free time we went to lunch in a restaurant, I ordered gnocchi and there was a lot of pepper. In the afternoon teachers prepare us a treasure hunt. At night almost everybody went to a party but Manu and I stayed in the hotel, we played cards, we toured the entire hotel and  had fun.
The third day we visited Siena and we ate a delicious pizza. In the afternoon we went to Rome and we visited the Fontana Di Trevi. We stayed two days in Rome and we saw the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Pantheon and many more impressive monuments. 

The last day we embarked on the boat Grimaldi Lines, it was very big. There we met students from other high schools. At night we arrived in Barcelona, where we caught the bus to go home. When I got home I wanted to return to Italy, it was one of the best experiences of my life.

divendres, 18 de març del 2016


Photo description:
Rohan kelly took this picture in Australia on Bondi Beach. When we look the photo we see in the foreground the beach. In the lower part we can see a relaxed woman sunbathing and in the middle there are people walking along the beach and swimming in the sea. Next to the sea there is a big dark cloud, the photographer in the picture wants to highlight  the storm. On the left there is a mountain. This pic it's striking and powerful, is the winner of Worldpress photo in natural contest.

dilluns, 14 de març del 2016


La cabaña en el bosque (2012) Poster
My favourite horror film is called The Cabin in the Woods, is a 2012 American horror comedy. I really like this movie because it's very scary but also it's funny, it's very entertaining.

The film it's about five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.

With a production budget of $30 million. Joss Whedon co-wrote the script with Cloverfield screenwriter Drew Goddard, who also directed the film, marking his directorial debut.

Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsIilFNNmkY


In 2016 I want to improve in many aspects.

  • I will have a very good marks, working every day and study a lot.
  • In this Christmas holidays I have eaten a lot, but this year I will go on a diet and eat more healthy.
  • I will watch series in English to learn more the language.
  • I will start thinking what I'm gonna do after ESO.
  • I will travel more with my family and friends.
  •  I will continue with do not leave the work to last day of class.

dilluns, 29 de febrer del 2016

Steven Klein

Steven Klein was born in New York in 1965 .His love for photography began  at the age of 10, when he built a dark room in his parents’ basement. He began to take tons of photos and he got to be the best in faishon photography.Is a photographer who won acclaim for his photography style.

Klein has worked with superstars like Madonna and Lady Gaga.

Steven Klein took this picture for the magazine, ‘Vogue’. When looking this photo we can see 2 horses and the main subject (The woman). This photo is heatly creative.

dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2016

THE 100

The 100 is my favourite series, it is an American post-apocalyptic drama television series.
The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth.
The only known survivors lived on 12 space stations in Earth's orbit prior to the war.  
After the Ark's life-support systems are found to be critically failing, 100 juvenile prisoners are sent to Earth in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth is habitable again.  Confronting both the wonders and the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. 

I really like this series because it is something that can happen in the future and it is super interesting. My favourite character is Clarke (the star of the series) because all the story  turns around her.