dimarts, 19 d’abril del 2016


I really liked Italy , people there are friendly and nice although they don't drive very well. On the 29th of March the students of 4ESO went to the airport in Barcelona. There I had a problem with the plane ticket but finally I can get on the plane. 

We stayed one week in Italy. The first day we went to Pisa and we visited the Tower of Pisa. We went to lunch in Mc Donald's and then we went in Lucca, a little town. After that we went to Montecatini and we stayed in the hotel. My friends and I have the best room in the hotel, there was a terrace and a shower massage, there was fantastic.

On Wednesday  we went to Florencia by bus. We stayed all the day there and we visited the Brunelleschi dome, it was amazing! In free time we went to lunch in a restaurant, I ordered gnocchi and there was a lot of pepper. In the afternoon teachers prepare us a treasure hunt. At night almost everybody went to a party but Manu and I stayed in the hotel, we played cards, we toured the entire hotel and  had fun.
The third day we visited Siena and we ate a delicious pizza. In the afternoon we went to Rome and we visited the Fontana Di Trevi. We stayed two days in Rome and we saw the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Pantheon and many more impressive monuments. 

The last day we embarked on the boat Grimaldi Lines, it was very big. There we met students from other high schools. At night we arrived in Barcelona, where we caught the bus to go home. When I got home I wanted to return to Italy, it was one of the best experiences of my life.

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